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- 09-03-24 TPE PM
09-03-24 TPE PM
Pick Your Poison: Electric Chair, Injection, or Firing Squad

South Carolina Prepares for First Execution in Over 13 Years Amidst Legal Controversies
As the Palmetto State gears up for its first capital punishment in over 13 years, controversy swirls surrounding the upcoming September 20th execution of condemned killer Freddie Owens. At issue are questions regarding the legality of allowing Owens' lawyer to choose his preferred method of execution, concerns about the purity of the deadly injection serum, and doubts cast upon the reliability of the antiquated electrocution apparatus.
Freddie Owens, a cold-blooded murderer responsible for slaying innocent convenience store clerk Irene Graves back in 1997, has delegated authority to his counsel, Emily Paavola, to determine whether he'll face the needle, the electric chair, or a hail of bullets courtesy of the newly established firing squad. This peculiar arrangement raises eyebrows among many who wonder why an individual slated to pay their debt to society should enjoy such latitude in selecting their own demise.
Meanwhile, Corrections Director Bryan Sterling assured the high court through an affidavit that each of these options remains viable following rigorous testing. According to Sterling, lab analysis confirmed the potency of the sedative Pentothal—a key component of the single-dose protocol replacing the previous triple-threat cocktail whose shelf-life had elapsed—and the ancient electrocution device underwent successful trials just this past summer. Furthermore, members of the specially-trained firing team stand ready to fulfill their duties.
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Secret Service leaders told their own agents NOT to request additional manpower for the Butler rally.
But Director Rowe told Congress otherwise…
What is he hiding?
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO)
1:07 AM • Aug 28, 2024
5 Crazy Facts:
The Linux operating system, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is one of the most well-known open-source projects, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the code.
Pumpkin spice is typically a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and sometimes allspice.
Scarecrow festivals, where people create and display scarecrows in creative and often humorous ways, are popular in small towns across the U.S. and Europe during the fall.
In the colder months, apple cider is often served hot and spiced with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and sometimes a splash of orange juice or brandy, making a comforting drink known as mulled cider.
The game Battleship was originally played with pencil and paper in the 1930s before being turned into the plastic grid game we know today in 1967.