08-18-24 TPE PM

Could North Korea Suddenly Get Some Tourism Cash?


New Travel Destination: North Korea?

North Korea is gradually reopening to international tourists after being mostly isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Koryo Tours, based in Beijing and a top agency for trips to North Korea, has stated that it will start offering limited tours to North Korea again in December this year.

Tourism will initially be restricted to the newly developed city of Samjiyon, marking a cautious step towards reviving North Korea's dormant tourism sector since closing its borders in early 2020.

Having waited for over 4 years to make this announcement, Koryo Tours is very excited about the opening of North Korean tourism once again," the agency expressed in a recent press release. This announcement underscores a tentative optimism about the gradual normalization of activities within North Korea.

Samjiyon, the chosen site for these initial tours, was last in the international spotlight during the 2018 filming of the British documentary series "Michael Palin in North Korea." The city's selection as the starting point for the resumption of tourism indicates its strategic importance and readiness to welcome foreign visitors.

The decision to partially reopen tourism is based on North Korea's significant challenges since the pandemic started. The country chose to isolate itself to stop the virus from spreading because it has limited medical facilities. This closure has had a big impact on the economy and society because foreign visitors are important to the local economy.


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5 Crazy Facts:

  • Nose and Smell: Your sense of smell is closely tied to your memory. The olfactory bulb, responsible for detecting odors, is directly connected to the brain's limbic system, which is involved in emotions and memory.

  • BBQ in Space: In 2007, astronauts on the International Space Station enjoyed a BBQ feast prepared by NASA, which included vacuum-sealed BBQ beef and ribs.

  • Ohio has a "Happy Days" exhibit at the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame," dedicated to the popular 1970s TV show.

  • Microbial Ecosystem: Your body is home to trillions of microbes, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, there are more microbial cells in your body than human cells.

  • Unusual BBQ Foods: While BBQ is often associated with pork and beef, some cultures BBQ less common foods like octopus in Korea or crocodile in Australia.