08-12-24 TPE RAV-Goldco (FED) AM

DEI Captures Another Business, This Time, Delta

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

—Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

DEI Officer at Delta Does Away with “Ladies and Gentlemen” Greeting & More

In recent years, Delta Air Lines has taken significant strides toward embracing a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda spearheaded by Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Impact Officer Kyra Lynn Johnson. Johnson has been vocal about the airline's commitment to this agenda, which includes revising traditional language and practices within the company.

In December 2020, Delta released an inclusive language guide that advised, "Use gender-neutral language and pronouns. Do not use language that suggests a gender binary (male-female)." 

Johnson also emphasized Delta's stance as an antiracist organization. "To really come out and say, as an organization, that we are an antiracist company was really important to us," she stated. The company's DEI efforts are not just about inclusion but also about actively seeking diversity and equity.

The concept of antiracism, popularized by Ibram X. Kendi, is a significant influence on Delta's policies. Johnson remarked, "So, we realize, like many of you have, that it's not enough just to say, 'We aren't racist,' but to say that you are antiracist."

To align its workforce with these values, Delta is also revamping its talent strategy. "We said we're going to reimagine and redefine our talent strategy," Johnson noted, emphasizing the importance of representation across all levels of the company.


When The Government Says “Don’t Worry”,Then It’s Time To Panic…

When The Government Says “Don’t Worry”,Then It’s Time To Panic…

As you already know, in 2008 we experienced one of the greatest financial meltdowns in modern history.


Markets around the world crashed. Stock prices dropped. Once “invincible” financial institutions started showing signs of collapse. 


Then Governments “came to the rescue”, handing out massive bailouts and stimulus packages to keep the world economy afloat.


We’ve been told these drastic measures prevented a total collapse of our system... 


But all it did was show the cracks in the system. Many lost faith in the financial system and the U.S Government.

And now it’s possible things could get worse. The savings of regular working class Americans could be in serious trouble. 


Click here to learn how to protect yourself now before it's too late!


We’re nearly $35 TRILLION in debt, and if that bubble pops?


Your money could go to zero. Here’s how:

Once investors who are buying Treasury securities (which finance the U.S. government’s debt) start to think the United States is in over its head, they may demand higher interest rates to cover the growing risk of buying Treasuries. This could trigger a further debt spiral, leaving Washington short of money.


In other words? Boom.


Because once our debt collectors come knocking on our door, we’re screwed. $34 trillion in debt would be owed… 


Which means every legal citizen would owe more than $101,000.

But there IS something you could do…


If you’re concerned (and you should be) don’t wait around for something to happen — you can do something NOW.


Request a copy of this FREE GUIDE that explains exactly why THOUSANDS have used this IRS Loophole to possibly save their IRA/401(k).


Act now! It only takes seconds.


The next step is yours, and it could mean a future of wealth… or poverty. It's up to you.


All you have to do is request the free guide now.

This informative report exposes how the government’s plans are affecting your retirement savings, read more here: 

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