07-23-24 TPE Monetary Gold AM

Of All the Choices for VP, Mark Cuban is the Wild Card

"I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true."

Wendell Willkie

Wait, Mark Cuban for VP?

There are seven candidates right now that are being considered to pair with Kamala Harris for VP. It’s likely that she will get the nomination since she’s already in the White House and Biden has endorsed her.

The candidates are people you’d expect - various Democratic senators as well as Pete Buttigieg.

But there’s a wild card that has been thrown into the mix: Entrepreneur and billionaire Mark Cuban.

While he’s 65, making him one of the older options, he’s been musing about getting into politics for a while. He’s also been more active on social media in the past few months, sparring with various Trump supporters.

Trump's Warning Resonates With Urgency. Government Can Confiscate Your Money With Digital Currency.

It's the Greatest System of Control Ever Invented… and it's Closer to Reality Than You Think.

"Banking giant Morgan Stanley says that central bank digital currencies (Digital Money) may contribute to a shift away from the US dollar."-January 2024

My Fellow American,

In a recent statement, Donald Trump once again sounded the alarm against Fed-controlled digital currencies (CBDCs).

If these plans are implemented, it could mean the end of America as we know it.

But despite these warnings, few have the courage to listen.

Even worse, almost no one understands how close we are to this danger.

But there's another reason why Democrats and the wealthy elite are so determined to see Digital Currencies implemented.

All we need to do is look at China and its Digital currency.

Congressman Mike Flood explained it best: 

  • "The Chinese Communist Party's move to use government-run digital currency to impose further control on its people and its economy is a cautionary tale that America must avoid."

Once this system of digital currency is implemented, the federal government will have total control over your money.

But this plan goes hand in hand with something far more sinister. 

The so-called "Social Credit Score"

Everything is Revealed in This Complimentary Guide, Fedcoin: A Privacy Threat.

You see, most people don't realize how bad it is in China.

China's government eyes are lurking everywhere with its high-tech surveillance system. If it catches you jaywalking, for instance, it will give you a ticket and then deduct the money from your bank account.

This system knows everything about you.

It has records of your DNA, blood type, and fingerprints.

It can even determine who you are based on facial recognition.

There's no way to hide.

And the second you step out of line…points are immediately deducted from your social credit score.

If this falls below a certain level…well…life as you know it changes forever.

Learn More by Claiming This Complimentary Guide, Fedcoin: A Privacy Threat.

But I've saved the best for last – because here's the most insidious thing of all – every time points are taken from your social credit score…

Money Can be Taken out of Your Bank Account!

Digital currencies make this easy.

What's more, it happens automatically, and there's nothing you can do about it.

This is far worse than a thief entering your home – at least you can fight against thieves.

No, with this system, you have ZERO recourse.

There is literally nothing you can do…meaning millions of Americans could be completely helpless against the wishes of the federal government.

Not only that, anyone labeled a "wrong thinker" may end up destitute.

But this doesn't mean you have to give up hope.

There's still a way to protect your hard-won assets against this system of digital control.

Everything You Need to Side-Step Biden's Executive Order on Digital Money is in This Complimentary Guide, Fedcoin: A Privacy Threat.

If you want to protect your financial privacy then you must act now.

Donald Trump has sounded the alarm and we thank him for that.

But he's only one man and there's only so much that he can do.

The rest is up to you.

Don't forget that November is right around the corner.

This means you must act NOW before it's too late.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

Side-step Biden's Plans for Digital Control by Grabbing this FREE Guide.

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