07-09-24 TPE Slibe (FED) AM

What’s Going on with Social Media Now? Keep Reading.

A recent study released by Sprout Social reveals some fascinating insights into the ever-changing world of social media trends. According to the latest figures, Instagram has finally surpassed Facebook as the number-one preferred platform amongst users aged 18-75.

When examining each respective age bracket individually, striking patterns emerge. Among Generation Z (born '98-'07), Instagram reigns supreme alongside other visually driven apps; meanwhile, millennials prioritize Instagram, then Facebook, whereas middle-aged folks lean towards Facebook first, trailed closely behind by Instagram. Lastly, baby boomers predominantly favor Facebook.

Interestingly, nearly half of respondents confessed to taking brief hiatuses ("detox") due to concerns surrounding mental well-being, information overload, or simply re-evaluating personal consumption habits.


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5 Crazy Facts:

  • Approximately 300,000 people are in the process of learning Klingon from the language app Duolingo.

  • Rocks are used as currency on an island of Micronesia.

  • In Disneyland, you’re never more than 30 steps from a trash can.

  • Myth busted: you don’t have to wait an hour after eating before you go for a swim.

  • The official name of the UK is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.