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- 06-09-24 TPE News
06-09-24 TPE News
NRA - 1; Liberals - O and Senators Argue to Keep Trump Out of Prison

Settle in for a 3-5 minute read. We’ve got a lot of good stuff for you to read and enjoy.
Quote of the Day
“Our schools aren’t safe, which is bad enough. On top of that, our kids aren’t learning. Too many are dropping out of school and into the street life—and too many of those who do graduate are getting diplomas that have been devalued into ‘certificates of attendance’ by a dumbed-down curriculum that asks little of teachers and less of students. Schools are crime-ridden and they don’t teach.”
The NRA Wins an Epic Court Case
The NRA ended up in front of the Supreme Court because of a First Amendment free speech case.
The Democrats thought they’d get away with what they’d done. They were wrong. The Supreme Court sided with the NRA on this one.
Even More News:
Cartoon of the Day
Who do you plan to vote for in the General Election? |
There are two different types of coffee drinkers in this world.. One who likes to drink their coffee black, and one that likes to add a little cream.
However, a very shocking discovery revealed that one of these people are much more prone to damaging their digestive lining and experiencing digestive issues.
And even if you drink coffee just one day a week, you are going to want to see this shocking video.
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