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- 05-18-24 TPE News
05-18-24 TPE News
Liars in Scientific Journals and…Is Your iPhone Trying to Kill You?

Settle in for a 3-5 minute read. We’ve got a lot of good stuff for you to read and enjoy.
Quote of the Day
“Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”
So Much for Science…
Scientific journals are supposed to focus on science – that means that they need to be able to prove their hypothesis with facts. That’s not happening.
In fact, 19 journals are being forced to shut down because it’s been shown that they were flooded with fake papers. They chose not to be scientific about anything, particularly COVID.
Even More News:
Cartoon of the Day
Would you move if your city became too liberal? |
I am sure you’ve heard of the growing issues with transgenderism, homosexuality, etc. For years, this was something discussed behind closed doors, in the home, and sometimes in church.
However, as it becomes more widespread, or at least seems to, several students have begun to come home with stories of their teachers talking of such in the classroom. Sometimes it’s just a general ‘homosexuality, transgenderism exists, this is what it is.’
But sometimes it is more explicit, including images and whole lessons surrounding the ‘freedom’ to be whatever gender you want.
We’d like to know if you think this is ok. Should teachers be allowed to talk about sexuality and such in the classroom?
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