03-21-25 TPE Irollie AM

Morning, Patriots! It’s Friday, March 21, 2025, and we’re roaring into the weekend with Texas nailing twisted crooks and Zelensky scrambling to kiss Trump’s ring. This AM edition is your conservative wake-up blast—let’s tear into it!

This issue has been sponsored by: Irollie

Did you know that 50,000 of your brain cells die every day?

If you’re over 50 and you forget a name, misplace your keys, or just feel foggy all the time — that means your brain cells are dying off even faster.

I was shocked to learn this myself.

It turns out… Stanford University neuroscientists identified a nasty “cell invader.” It attacks cells in the memory center of your brain - the hippocampus - causing your brain to shrink.

Thankfully there’s something you can do from home to clear it out.

>> Try this 8-second ear trick for better memory (backed by 5 scientific studies).

This Brain Clearance process is critical for flushing out toxic invaders from your hippocampus.

The 17,789 Americans who’ve tried this report improved memory and boosted brain power.

For the last 12 months, my team and I have been lucky enough to partner with Dr. James Rivers, the MIT-Trained neuroscientist who discovered this method.

Dr. Rivers has spent the better part of his career studying senescent cells, which is the technical term for the “brain invaders” that can shrivel up your brain’s memory center.

He’s considered one of New York City’s top brain doctors, and after he showed his 8-second daily ritual to his parents & in-laws…

They could only describe the sharp mental clarity they felt as “a cloud being lifted.” That's why so many seniors have called it a “memory miracle” or a “total game changer.”

This is a totally new way to address the root cause of brain fog, fuzzy thinking, and depleted brain power…and you can do it from home without any pills or exercise.

(The secret is in your ears.)

Check it out right here while you still can.

Lone Star lawmen just smashed a vile racket, rounding up evil scum running a bloody operation—patriots are cheering as Texas proves Trump’s border crackdown is draining the swamp one thug at a time.

Zelensky’s sweating bullets after Trump dialed Putin, now he’s itching for a White House chat—conservatives are smirking as Ukraine’s big shot learns who’s really calling the shots.

Economic Watch

Factory orders jumped 3% today—Trump’s America First muscle is keeping the assembly lines humming while globalists gnash their teeth.

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Quote Of The Day

“Justice is truth in action.”

Benjamin Disraeli

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Should Texas keep rounding up border scum?

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