- The Patriot Express
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- 03-19-25 TPE Fisico PM
03-19-25 TPE Fisico PM
Evening, Patriots! We’re capping March 19 with Trump yanking pardons from swamp rats and Houthis mouthing off at our navy. This PM edition is your conservative victory roar—let’s dig in!
This issue has been sponsored by: Fisico
Tell me if this sounds familiar...
It's 2am and you're still staring at the ceiling...
You just can't seem to shut your brain off...
Your mind races a million miles an hour...
Maybe you can't stop thinking about money issues, health problems, or even something embarrassing you did or said...
Then, perhaps you finally DO fall asleep...
...only to jerk awake at 4am, knowing the next day you're going to feel tired, worn-out, and like a brain-dead zombie.
Does any of that ring a bell?
Well, just months ago... that was me...
I never slept more than 4 hours...
I felt exhausted, groggy, and dog-tired all the next day, downing pots of coffee to get through work...
And I turn into a cranky "you-know-what" when I don't catch my zzz's... so I was getting into all of these stupid little arguments with my wife.
I had to do something... or I would spend the rest of my nights on the couch.
And that's when I stumbled on a discovery from leading MIT sleep researchers... and it changed everything.
You see, this discovery led to my research team and I developing a technique we call the "sleep signal reset."
Just do this 20 minutes before you hop into bed...
And you'll gently activate your body's "go-to-sleep" hormones...
So you fall asleep faster than a baby riding in a car...
Sleep through the ENTIRE night...
...and wake up fully rested and chipper, ready to take on the day.
Best of all, it literally takes less than a minute...
It requires no dangerous drugs, meditation, valerian root, blackout shades, blue-blocking sunglasses, or any other weird stuff...
Just do this about 20 minutes before bedtime and you'll get the peaceful, restorative sleep you deserve.
Trump’s swinging the axe, revoking pardons for Liz Cheney, Tony Fauci, and Mark Milley—patriots are cheering as the Donald puts these traitors on blast and cleans up Biden’s mess.
The Houthi head honcho’s talking big, promising a terror spree on U.S. ships—conservatives say it’s time Trump shows these punks what happens when you poke the American eagle.
Health Tip
Lift some weights tonight—strong arms mean stronger punches against the left’s nonsense.